Scholarly/Professional Resources

Beagrie, N. (2005). Plenty of room at the bottom? Personal digital libraries and collections. D-Lib Magazine11(06). Retrieved from

From paper’s abstract: People are capturing and storing an ever-increasing amount of digital information about or for themselves, including emails, documents, articles, portfolios of work, digital images, and audio and video recordings. […] This article provides a commentary on current research and emerging services in this area and discusses potential implications for individuals, libraries and their institutions.

Benitez, E., Pauleen, D., & Hooper, T. (2013). From information gatherers to knowledge creators: The evolution of the post-graduate student. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(2). Retrieved from

From paper’s abstract: This exploratory study investigates how post-graduate students manage information and knowledge and how these skills evolve over time during their post-graduate studies. The concepts of personal information management, personal knowledge management and brain filtering as well as the critical role of technology are discussed in the context of the post-graduate learning experience.

Brown, N. (2015). Helping members of the community manage their digital lives: Developing a personal digital archiving workshop. D-Lib Magazine21(5/6). Retrieved from

Paper’s abstract: It is estimated that over 90 percent of all new information is born digital. We create new digital materials practically on a daily basis. What can we as libraries do to help our users manage their personal digital materials? This article explores resources and methods that could be used in the development of a personal digital archiving workshop and how to best tailor it to your library audience.

Becker, D., & Nogues, C. (2012). Saving-Over, Over-Saving, and the Future Mess of Writers’ Digital Archives: A Survey Report on the Personal Digital Archiving Practices of Emerging Writers. The American Archivist, 75(2), 482–513. Retrieved from:

From paper’s abstract: This article reports findings from a survey of 110 writers’ personal digital archiving practices. The authors found that most writers neglect digital archival concerns, and consequently, their digital archives consist of poorly managed, highly distributed, and unsystematically labeled files.

Hangal, S., Lam, M. S., & Heer, J. (2011). MUSE: Reviving Memories Using Email Archives. In In Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ’11) (New York, NY: ACM, 2011), pp. 75-84. Retrieved from

From paper’s abstract: [The authors] present MUSE (Memories USing Email), a system that combines data mining techniques and an interactive interface to help users browse a long-term email archive. MUSE analyzes the contents of the archive and generates a set of cues that help to spark users’ memories: communication activity with inferred social groups, a summary of recurring named entities, occurrence of sentimental words, and image attachments.

Kulovits, H., Rauber, A., Kugler, A., Brantl, M., Beinert, T., & Schoger, A. (2009). From TIFF to JPEG 2000?: Preservation planning at the Bavarian State Library using a collection of digitized 16th century printings. D-Lib Magazine, 15(11/12).

From paper’s introduction: In order to find out whether TIFF or JPEG 2000 would be a more suitable archival master format, the [Bavarian State Library], together with the Vienna University of Technology, created a preservation plan for a representative collection of digitized 16th century printings. The goal of the project was to evaluate possible strategies for migration from TIFF to JPEG 2000 using lossless compression, including the alternative of keeping the status quo.

Marshall, C. C. (2008). Rethinking personal digital archiving part 1: Four challenges from the field. D-Lib Magazine, 14(3/4). Retrieved from

From paper’s introduction: In this article, [Marshall] will explore a set of issues that have emerged through a series of five past studies and informal observations collected over time [Marshall et al., 2006; Marshall et al., 2007; Marshall, 2007; Marshall, 2008; McCown et al., to appear]. These issues suggest a broadened view of how we might undertake personal digital archiving, both broadly (for consumers) and more narrowly (for academics, scholars, researchers, and students); some of these issues may also carry over into the realm of institutional archiving, although that is not my aim.

Marshall, C. C. (2008). Rethinking personal digital archiving, part 2: Implications for services, applications, and institutions. D-Lib Magazine, 14(3/4). Retrieved from

From paper’s introduction: In this portion of the article, [Marshall] explore[s] the implications of the four challenges presented in Part 1 – (1) accumulation, (2) distribution, (3) digital stewardship, and (4) long-term access – and discuss (at least in a preliminary, superficial way) some promising technological directions and requirements for each.

Niu, J. (2012a). An overview of web archiving. D-Lib Magazine18(3/4). Retrieved from

From paper’s abstract: This overview is a study of the methods used at a variety of universities, and international government libraries and archives, to select, acquire, describe and access web resources for their archives. […] The findings are reported in this paper, along with the author’s views on some of the methods in use, such as how traditional archive management concepts and theories can be applied to the organization and description of archived web resources.

Niu, J. (2012b). Functionalities of web archives. D-Lib Magazine18(3/4). Retrieved from

From paper’s abstract: The functionalities that are important to the users of web archives range from basic searching and browsing to advanced personalized and customized services, data mining, and website reconstruction. The author examined ten of the most established English language web archives to determine which functionalities each of the archives supported, and how they compared. A functionality checklist was designed, based on use cases created by the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), and the findings of two related user studies.

van der Knijff, J. (2011). JPEG 2000 for Long-term Preservation: JP2 as a Preservation Format. D-Lib Magazine, 17(5/6).

From paper’s abstract: Despite the increasing popularity of JPEG 2000 in the archival community, the suitability of the JP2 format for long-term preservation has been poorly addressed by existing literature. This paper demonstrates how some parts of the JP2 file specification (related to ICC profiles and grid resolution) contain ambiguous information, leading to a situation where different software vendors are interpreting the standard in slightly different ways.